EVOMECS User Forum - March 2024

Based on the feedback from the user meeting in October 2023, this time we chose or were provided with a location that, in addition to sufficient parking spaces, catering and a spacious event room, above all offered the advantage of discussing EVOMECS-related topics where they can best be experienced - in a real production environment. This was possible because our customer Ingersoll Werkzeug GmbH kindly offered to host the event.
However, we first used the start of the event to inform our users about general news relating to EVOMECS and to present various new products. Particularly noteworthy was the new and fully integrated feature for quality management, the revision of the user interfaces for the operation of automated systems and the option of tracking individual cutting edges throughout their entire life cycle. We were even surprised by the positive feedback on the planning module, which is already being used intensively and productively by some beta testers.

However, the tour of Ingersoll Werkzeuge's production facilities was impressive, as it essentially followed the EVOMECS process, from work preparation and tool management through to the machine. Ingersoll has invested significantly in automation in recent years, which has enabled a considerable number of machine resources to be reduced. This was very beneficial for the management, as there was more space for the rather large group.
After the tour, we allowed plenty of time for an open discussion, as this was also one of the main suggestions for improvement from the last meeting. In addition to discussing further potential improvements to individual software components, it was particularly valuable for all participants to share their experiences during the course of the project and to address specific suggestions for optimization to us. Even though we are in regular and open contact with the users during the projects, direct communication across the board is even more helpful in understanding the needs even better.
But the real highlight came at the end! Together we went to the karting track in Sinn, where we fought hard but fairly on hot tires for tenths of a second and positions. After about 1.5 hours of action, everyone's forearms were on fire and we rounded off the evening with pizza and more good conversation.
We are already looking forward to the next meeting, which is expected to take place in October 2024. Applications to host the event are always welcome.